
Abstract Topics

  • Brain Endoscopy
  • Spine Endoscopy
  • Peripheral Nerve
  • Paediatric

Important Dates: 

Abstract submissions open:
2 July 2024

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 October 2024

Notification of Acceptance:
23 October 2024


All abstracts must be submitted in English using the online submission form on the IFNE website.


Corresponding authors must provide the organizers with their full mailing address, office hours phone number, fax number and email address. Author and co-author information must be provided including the first and last names of all authors, their department, institution / hospital, city, state if applicable and country.

Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted for oral or a poster presentation and its decision is final. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for grammar and clarity. The Abstract may be scheduled for presentation on any day during the conference. The presentation schedule and relevant details will be provided in the acceptance notification email.


  • The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Abstract title limit: 20 words.
  • Authors: Please enter your name and your colleagues’ names as you wish them to appear in the Final Program.
  • The Abstract text should have a minimum of 250 words and maximum of 300 words only.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the rights to redact any submission.
  • A maximum of 1 figure can be submitted and should be in pdf/ jpg/ bmp / gif formats
  • Please note that these figures/ tables/ graphs may be resized to fit the final printed material.
  • Do not include references in the abstract.
  • Do not include keywords in the abstract.
  • Abbreviations should be spelled out, in parenthesis, in its first use in the abstract.

Oral Presentation Format

Once your abstract is accepted as an oral presentation, the secretariat will contact you for further information and instruction.

Poster Presentation

Once your abstract is accepted as a poster presentation, the secretariat will contact you for further information and instruction.

NOTE: Abstracts submitted by email, fax or post will NOT be accepted. The Conference organizers will not accept responsibility for any abstracts that have not been properly submitted according to the instructions.


All abstracts must be submitted in English using the online submission form on the IFNE website.


Corresponding authors must provide the organizers with their full mailing address, office hours phone number, fax number and email address. Author and co-author information must be provided including the first and last names of all authors, their department, institution / hospital, city, state if applicable and country.

Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted for oral or a poster presentation and its decision is final. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for grammar and clarity. The Abstract may be scheduled for presentation on any day during the conference. The presentation schedule and relevant details will be provided in the acceptance notification email.


  • The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Abstract title limit: 20 words.
  • Authors: Please enter your name and your colleagues’ names as you wish them to appear in the Final Program.
  • The Abstract text should have a minimum of 250 words and maximum of 300 words only.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the rights to redact any submission.
  • A maximum of 1 figure can be submitted and should be in pdf/ jpg/ bmp / gif formats
  • Please note that these figures/ tables/ graphs may be resized to fit the final printed material.
  • Do not include references in the abstract.
  • Do not include keywords in the abstract.
  • Abbreviations should be spelled out, in parenthesis, in its first use in the abstract.

Oral Presentation Format

Once your abstract is accepted as an oral presentation, the secretariat will contact you for further information and instruction.

Poster Presentation

Once your abstract is accepted as a poster presentation, the secretariat will contact you for further information and instruction.

NOTE: Abstracts submitted by email, fax or post will NOT be accepted. The Conference organizers will not accept responsibility for any abstracts that have not been properly submitted according to the instructions.

Abstract Topics

  • Brain Endoscopy
  • Spine Endoscopy
  • Paediatric

Important Dates: 

Abstract submissions open:
2 July 2024

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 October 2024

Notification of Acceptance:
23 October 2024


IFNE2024 Conference Secretariat

Al Barsha Boutique Building,
3rd Floor, Al Barsha 1,
P.O. Box 124174,
Dubai, UAE

International Federation of Neuroendoscopy Interim Meeting 2024

Registration Open!